An email alias is a forwarding address. This means that all emails addressed to the alias, are forwarded to one or more mailbox accounts. The alias itself has no inbox, no login and cannot be used to send emails. popWeb provides unlimited aliases to auto-forward to your primary mailboxes.
A good example of a useful alias is You can use this alias on your website, your vehicles, flyers or online business directories. It’s easy to spell and easy to remember, and the mails arrive in your personal inbox. You are then able to reply from your personal address. So even though a potential customer or client has sent their message to a generic address, the reply comes from a human being.
The first reason to use email aliases is Privacy. If you used across all your marketing and promotions, your personal address would be available for the world to see.
The second advantage of using aliases is that it makes your business look bigger than it is. Multiple aliases can give the illusion of your business having various departments, e.g. sales@, orders@, qutoes@, reservations@ and so on. You could be a one-person business and nobody would ever know.
Thirdly, you may need a temporary email address that will be used for a once-off event, e.g. competition@ or tickets@. Once the event is over, we simply deactivate the alias and the messages still remain in one or more personal accounts or in your archive.
We all want to simplify our lives. So having one email account with multiple aliases means you only need to set up 1 account on your phone or computer. Just one password to remember, and one mailbox to organise into folders. We all know the pain of buying a new laptop or mobile device and having to install multiple email accounts. Aliases make it easy.
To set up email aliases, contact us at and our friendly staff will take care of it.