Our web pages are divided into sections, one below the other. Each section can have up to 6 columns where content can be added. Content includes Text, Images, Video, Live Twitter feeds, Promo Boxes, Testimonials, Price Modules and more. We have various layout templates that can be customised based on the amount of content you have:

  • One-Page Layout:  This is a single web page which is divided into sections. Clicking on the main navigation menu items will scroll down to the relevant section. This layout is perfect for businesses with a small amount of content. Click here for examples below.
  • Multi-Page Layout:  This type of website consists of multiple pages (up to 20) with content on each. The main navigation menu items will open replace the current page with the once just clicked. Click here for examples of this layout.
  • Combo Layout combines multiple sections on the home page, with other pages that load separately. Click here for examples of this type of website.
  • Customised Websites including e-commerce. Click here for some of our online stores.

All popWeb websites have a responsive design, which means that the web pages change their layout automatically when viewed on mobile devices. This ensures that websites load fast and light on mobile phones and tablets, keeping mobile data to a minimum. At present over half of website visitors are using tablets / iPads or mobile phones to surf the internet, so we always ensure that your site is quick and easy to navigate on those devices.


Great for websites with minimal content. Quick and easy to navigate on a single page. Clicking the menu items scrolls to the relevant section.



Our most common layout.  Each menu item clicks through to its own page. Pages also have links to each other, taking the user on a logical journey through your business.




This layout combines scrolling links to sections on the home page for easy to find information, and links to separate pages where content is presented in more detail.


Custom designed websites with built in online shops using Woocommerce.